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Recurso de Corporación RTVE frente a concesión de acceso a información relativa a la retribución del personal directivo


A citizen introduced request for access to information from the RTVE corporation(Abre en nueva ventana) to know thegross annual remuneration perceived in 2014 and 2015 by management of the corporation.

RTVE declared admissible a request for access to public information submitted by not be done via the ideal environment for this, that is, through electronic identification, which guarantees the record of his identity. In this case not started correctly identified the applicant, as a brand law.

The Council of transparency and good governance found the claim because of the law could not get rid of any way that requests for information must be filed with pieces of information that, on the other hand, are not identified, nor that the means of submission of an application is, as does the CRTVE, the Portal transparency.

Likewise, it should be understood that the access to the information requested has been endorsed by both the interpretative criterion jointly approved by this council of transparency and the Spanish Agency of data protection as by the courts in the first instance, on appeal in the national audience and on appeal in the Supreme Court.

Resolución del Consejo de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno (4113  KB)Icono pdf

Sentencia nº 28/2018 del Juzgado Central contencioso-administrativo nº6 (315  KB)Icono pdf

Sentencia en apelación nº 49/2018 de la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo sección 7ª de la Audiencia NacionalVentana nueva

Ruling No 852/2020 of the supreme court (1189  KB)Icono pdf